Call for paper: 10th international students’ conference
In 2014, AntropoWeb holds the 10th international students’ conference, which is also known as “Quo vadis anthropology”. This traditional interdisciplinary meeting of young researchers will be conceived around overall assessment forms, roles, developments and changes that anthropology has created over past ten years both in research and teaching in Central Europe. This will also go beyond academic and scientific circles.
Posts that will be presented at the conference, and will provide answers to the following questions: How anthropology changed in the last decade? What progress was made in the theoretical-methodological concepts, respectively - What is the new research and what are the new approaches? What extent anthropology has managed to establish or enhance interdisciplinary collaboration with other scientific disciplines? Conversely, what is our failure in anthropologically oriented science as from a social and biological scientist perspective? In what ways are the goals and possibilities of anthropological research unfulfilled or underrated, that still remain? How is the education of anthropology at the colleges, and what are the main advantages and weaknesses from the perspective of the students regarding education? What is the position of anthropologists in public discourse, and are they respected or considered unnecessary? Do graduates find work in their field of study after graduation? And last but not least, which direction anthropology could / should go in the future?
For the topic of this conference we invite all interested parties from all different anthropological fields and related disciplines. We pick up again on the successful tradition of conferences intended for students of bachelors, masters and doctoral subjects of anthropology and related sciences. We try to offer the students an opportunity to present the results of their actual research in the fields of humanities and social sciences. We also try to facilitate a possibility for students to present their papers in the presence of their colleagues. Since it’s the 10th conference, we also would like to invite people that previously attended the past conferences and to have them bring their experiences from the field and from the AntropoWeb conferences to share with our younger colleagues. A special panel of prior conference attendees will be featured.
The outcome of the conference will be a collective monograph issue of the AntropoEdice, which will be out in printed form.
The procedural language will be Czech and English.
The conference will take place on 22nd–24th October 2014, on the premises of the Education and Research Library of the Pilsener Region, 2 Smetanovy sady, Pilsen.
Requirements for participants:
•Each speaker should not exceed 20 minutes
•deadline for application is 1st September 2014
•the abstracts of your contributions (250 words) should be submitted with the application no later than 1st September 2014
•if you are informed that your contribution has been accepted, submit the full text no later than 30th October 2014 to address: (with English abstract and keywords, the abstract should not exceed 400 – 500 words), the text itself should not exceed 15 pages; You are hereby asked to follow AntropoWebzin’s citation custom (
•a PowerPoint presentation has to be attached to each contribution
•speaker has to be a student of bachelor/master/doctoral subjects of the social sciences or a participant of one of the previous conferences
•in case of more than one speaker, at least one of them has to be a student of bachelor/master/doctoral subjects of the social sciences
•no fee is charged for attending the conference
Contact e-mail:
More information at:
Register for the conference:

vydáno: 10.7.2014 8:35