Konverze k islámu a formování identity českých muslimek

Václava Tlili email


The present study aims to bring the reader closer to the process of religious conversion to Islam, following the example of several Czech women who have decided to embrace Islam as their faith. Based on long-term field research and obtaining qualitative data through participatory observation, individual and group interviews, the study presents how Muslim practices are integrated into the daily life of Czech converts and how their new identity is constructed. Ali Köse’s study Conversion to Islam: A Study of Native British Converts (1999) is used in explaining the data obtained. First, the author deals with a case study of the convert Monika, whose example shows the importance of the social context of conversion. The following chapters deal with the gradual process of accepting a new faith and the way in which the identity of Czech Muslim women is shaped by new practices and influenced by the presence of other Muslims and Czech society. The study concludes with the issue of Christmas and the approach of Czech converts to their celebration.

Klíčová slova

náboženská konverze; islám; čeští muslimové; průběh konverze; identita

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