Příčiny relativní kulturní deprivace u italských muslimských imigrantů druhé generace
This case study explores the possible causes of relative cultural deprivation in second-generation immigrants to Italy. Relative deprivation has been identified as an explanatory variable in initial-stage Islamist radicalization. However, the discussion has, almost exclusively, concentrated on socioeconomic factors. This study, on the other hand, focused on the origins of cultural inequalities, identifying seven factors in the Italian context. Compared to other countries struggling with domestic radicalization, Italy is different in that it has historically been a transit country for radicals. While most analyses have so far focused on threats connected to newcomer immigrants, this case study argues that it is necessary to extend the scope of research.
Klíčová slova
relativní kulturní deprivace; příčiny radikalizace; islám; druhá generace