Call for papers: The 13th Students' Conference of AntropoWeb
The term gender is currently one of the most frequently repeated expressions in the public space and its – not always entirely relevant and appropriate – use has become a standard part of the lexicon for academics and the general public. As such, gender is gradually becoming a fairly all-encompassing and somewhat difficult to grasp category, and furthermore its perception and application differ within different humanities and social science disciplines. The apparently clear and firmly anchored concept has in recent years become subject to repeated and intensive reconsideration, and under the influence of new (critical) discussions its limits and meanings have shifted and been transformed. So what does the term ‘gender’ actually mean? And how has it been applied and is it currently used in anthropology and related fields? Does it even make sense to continue to use the term or concept, or is it actually an outdated approach whose use has long since ceased to be relevant? How much does it still stand up to use in anthropological analyses and interpretations of the working of current and past populations, societies, social groups and specific players? And to what extent (if at all) is current academic discussion reflected within the public and the academic sphere where the scope of this category is sometimes stereotypically or entirely erroneously perceived and reproduced?
Due to the thematic focus of the prepared conference, we invite colleagues from diverse fields to contribute their own experience, studies, research and publications to the discussion of ethics in contemporary anthropology and related fields. We welcome colleagues from the fields of anthropology, gender studies, sociology, ethnology, ethnography, folkloristics, human ethology, philosophy, history, and many other fields. As in previous years, the conference is primarily designed for students of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programmes.
The language of the conference will be Czech or Slovak, but we also welcome contributions in English, which a separate panel conference can look at.
Selected contributions from the conference will be published in the AntropoWebzin online journal after a standard peer-review process.
The conference will take place on 19–20 October 2017 in Pilsen, on the premises of the Education and Research Library of the Pilsener Region, (Smetanovy sady 2, 301 00 Pilsen).
Requirements of conference participants:
- contributions may not exceed 20 minutes in length and must be accompanied by a presentation which works in off-line mode
- the deadline for application is 15 September 2017
- please send abstracts of your contributions (250 words) along with your application by 15 September 2017 using the electronic form; the contribution’s relation to the conference topic must be clear from the abstracts
- candidates will be informed by 30 September 2017 whether their application has been accepted or rejected
- participants must be students of a bachelor’s/master’s/doctoral degree programmes
- if there are two or more speakers, at least one must be a student of a bachelor’s/master’s
- /doctoral degree programme
- no fees are charged for participation in the conference

published at: May 15, 2017 1:39 PM