The redaction members would hereby like to express their thanks to people who made the AnthropoWeb possible.
First of all, we would like to thank the founders of AnthropoWeb, Mgr. Lukáš Lenka and Mgr. Michal Svoboda who successfully lead the project for many years, and eventually left their responsibilities to us. With this new responsibility, we have been helped by the newly assigned editorial board whose valuable advice is much appreciated.
For a support in the years from 2004 to 2014, we are grateful to the department of Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of West Bohemia. Our thanks of course belong to many others who helped and continue to help us both from the ranks of teachers, students and friends.
Finally, the special thanks also belongs to the creator of the websites for the project, Michal Campr.
Thank you!