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May 15, 2017 1:39 PM
Call for papers: The 13th Students' Conference of AntropoWeb

AntropoWeb invites to the 13th international student conference, entitled: "Anthropology and gender" ... More
Nov 16, 2016 5:20 PM
Photo Gallery: 12th International Students' Conference of AnthropoWeb

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AntropoWeb (AW) is a Czech social science portal operated by non-profit organisation AntropoWeb, z.s.
It is focused on the social and cultural anthropology and related disciplines (historical antropology, archeology, political anthropology, political science, sociology, philosophic anthropology, philosophy, anthropology of religion, religionistics, psychology)
AntropoWeb consists of several parts and activities: WEBZIN providing regular supply of quality texts, reviews and discussions regarding actual topics; SIGNPOST for Czech and World web pages specialized in similar ways as AW, providing actual information about book news (in accordance with the web’s focus) in Czech and Slovak bookshops, actual information about other (printed) journals.
AntropoWeb also organizes events aimed to back up and develop the discipline of social and cultural anthropology. Every year in autumn AW organizes scientific, thematic student conferences.